What is “Mintson Code”, a programming learning site?

What is a learning site Mintson Code? IT

Hello, I’m Mintson.

This article describes the background of Mintson Code’s creation and outlines the goals of this project.

History of Creation

“Mintson Code” is a programming learning website that commenced its development on September 24, 2023.

On October 14, 2023, using my first earnings from a part-time job, I purchased a web server and domain to officially launch “Mintson Code.”

This website primarily focuses on programming education, offering lessons in mathematics, physics, and various trivia topics. It provides the necessary knowledge for coding.

Currently, articles are available in Japanese, English, and Chinese (Taiwan).

※ If there are additional languages you would like us to include, please let us know via social media or other channels.

Mission and Achievements

Please take a look at the following graph.

I think there are people who are considering joining a coding bootcamp when they decide to start learning programming.

When I was researching how to learn programming for the first time, I discovered the existence of coding bootcamps.

The tuition fees are usually above 500,000 yen on average, but the prices displayed on the graph are below that.

No man
No man

Why is that so?

Due to the Special Practical Education and Training Subsidy System by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, participants can take the course at half price or even less.

This system is designed to support long-term career development for workers. The subsidy rate is higher than the general education and training subsidy. After completing the training and obtaining qualifications within one year of graduation, additional benefits can be received if the participant is employed as a general insured person or equivalent.

The Education and Training Subsidy System supports your career advancement.

Government Public Relations Online

By effectively utilizing this system, you can enroll in schools at a lower cost.

Taking famous services as an example,

・Active Engineers as Instructors:
Learn from instructors who are currently working as engineers, providing real-world insights and expertise.

・Completely Free Job Change/Side Job Support:
Access support for job changes or part-time work without any additional charges.

・Daily Q&A Sessions:
Have the opportunity to ask questions every day, ensuring that your doubts are addressed promptly.

・Visualized Learning Progress:
Track your learning progress visually, allowing you to see your achievements and areas of improvement clearly.

These are the advantages of joining a school in my opinion.

Most beginners are those who do not know how to use a PC or even a search engine, such as where to start.

For such people, it is better to join a school and have an instructor give them direction.

This site’s purpose and significance?

Even if the price of programming school is less than half, it is still expensive from the common people’s point of view.

Nowadays, with the development of smartphones and tablets, some people do not have a PC at home.

These devices are convenient and have made our lives richer, more convenient, and more comfortable, but the majority of smartphone users tend to be consumers.

PCs will be the first to adopt the technology that will be developed in the future in terms of specifications.

Then, a few years or so later, we’ll finally be able to use the same functionality on our smartphones, naked.

If you want to be ahead of everyone else in technology, or if you want to develop technology, I recommend that you spend less time using smartphones and tablets in the future and more time using PCs.

The raison d’etre is to provide a curriculum that will allow you to do basic programming and development for free for those who don’t have the money to join a school if they pay for a PC.

The goal is the fourth SDG, quality education for all.

Writing code is not that difficult.

We believe that anyone can do it if they work hard, step by step.

Recommended Laptops

First, use the money for entering the programming school as your budget for purchasing a PC.

Some might be unsure whether to buy a Windows or Mac. Personally, I recommend Apple for laptops and Windows for desktop PCs.

The most powerful Mac laptops and desktops ever. Supercharged by M1 and M2 chips. MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mi...

Let’s take a look at my desk in an actual college dormitory.

I use a homebrew computer and a used MacBook Pro.

The reason I recommend a Macbook is because of its design and the fact that it is necessary when developing IOS apps.

If you want to release apps on IOS, Mac OS is important.

It is secure and if you are using an iphone, you can easily transfer data with Air Drop.

The reason why I use Windows for my desktop is because I play games and some software is not compatible with Mac OS (and vice versa).

Another reason is that I want to produce my own PC once and make it to my preferred specs.

Getting accustomed to both operating systems is important.
Start by purchasing a Macbook and familiarize yourself with macOS.

Mintson Code contributes articles on math and physics in addition to learning programming.

The reason for this is that in recent years, analysis with big data, AI development, algorithms, etc. all involve mathematics.

I believe that artificial intelligence can also be considered basically an advanced computing machine, and mathematics is essential when creating it.

Therefore, we have lectures on mathematics.

In the case of physics, we consider physics to be the process of converting natural phenomena into numbers that can be understood objectively.

Math and physics are two sides of the same coin, so these two categories are in the Mintson Code.


Since we offer Mintson Code for free, the main advertising revenue will pay for this server.

If you can make a reasonable donation using the form below, it will help us to continue this activity.

In addition to that,I have a YouTube channel, so I can get paid for advertising just by playing videos.

※Please subscribe to my channel.

We invite you to experience the fun of code for the first time in learning programming.
